Helping A Cause Without Donating Money
Donating and volunteering are the two most common ways to support a non-profit. In an ideal world, everyone would have the necessary time and money to support all the causes they believe in.
However, despite wanting to help, many are simply unable to volunteer or donate money to a non-profit, which may leave them feeling frustrated. There is, however, another valuable way to support non-profits, and it is through advocacy.
Advocacy involves spreading the word to others who may have more resources and can help a non-profit fulfill its mission. At times, advocacy may even be more beneficial than volunteering or donating because if done effectively it can encourage others to volunteer/donate.
Here are 5 ways to advocate for a non-profit you believe in:
1. Follow and share social media posts
A simple yet effective way of advocating for a non-profit includes liking / following their social media channels and sharing their posts. Sharing helps shine a spotlight on the issues the non-profit is trying to solve and allows others to see the problems as well. Sharing a non-profit’s content also helps promote the non-profit’s services.
2. Talk to others
While sharing social media posts is a quick and easy way to communicate with hundreds of friends in one-click, personally telling a particular friend, colleague, or family member about a non-profit can be a more effective way to advocate. Simply engaging in a conversation about the non-profit and their work is often enough to earn a new follower or advocate.
3. Learn more about the issues
Doing some research and finding out more about the problem a non-profit is trying to solve will make you a better advocate. Being well-versed helps ensure you can answer any questions others may have and serve as a reminder on why you are advocating for the non-profit.
4. Sign up and forward emails
Similar to social media posts, signing up for a non-profits’ newsletter and emails helps you stay up-to-date with what they are doing. By forwarding their emails, you can help others learn about the non-profit and the problem they are addressing. You may find others have the same passion as you.
5. Lobby
Lobbying helps persuade local governments to enact legislation to help solve the problem at the heart of the non-profit. While not all non-profits need lobbying, the ones that do benefit from many voices.
Advocating With DSCC
DuPage Senior Citizen Council began as a senior advocacy group in 1975. Along with the Kane Senior Council (KSC), we advocate for homebound older adults in our respective counties and offer services including home meal delivery, friendly phone calls, and pet care assistance. We strive to ensure that each senior we serve goes to bed each night knowing they are truly loved.
If you want to become an advocate for seniors in our organization, please contact us.
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