
Five Benefits to Exercise as You Age

Exercise at any age has multiple benefits no matter who you are!  As you age different exercises become more appropriate for your health, exercise is part of a long and healthy lifestyle. Only 1 in 4 adults between the age 65 and 74 exercise regularly according to the Nation Institute for Aging. Exercises for older adults do not have to be strenuous or high intensity. They can be small stretches, causal strolls and simple, everyday movement.

Doing low intensity cardiovascular exercises can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attacks. Want to start cardiovascular exercises? Start small with a leisure stroll or bike ride. Consult your doctor with any questions or concerns you may have in regard to your health before starting exercises.

Living a long life can be the result of exercising regularly every day. Gentle exercises can help you live a longer and healthier life. Walking and swimming are great exercises that are low impact for older adults. Gentle regular exercise can add three to five years to a person’s life.

Exercising regularly can keep more than the body in shape. Every day exercise can reduce the risk of developing dementia.

Exercise paired with a healthy a diet can prevent dementia. To find out diet tips and other ways to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s check out the link provided by Alzheimer Association https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/research_progress/prevention.

Increasing exercise can also increase a senior’s confidence.

Exercise can lead to seniors feeling less vulnerable and becoming more independent. When a senior is more independent they feel more confident and willing to be even more active, increasing their health overall.

Being an older adult and who exercises regularly can help prevent falls. Improving muscle strength, along with bone density can be helpful to reduce risk of falling.

DuPage Senior Citizens Council offers A Matter of Balance Classes at facilities all over DuPage County. For more information on A Matter Of Balance visit their link https://mainehealth.org/healthy-communities/healthy-aging/matter-of-balance or call us at 630-620-0804.

Check out the video below to learn more about the MATTER OF BALANCE program.

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