
Well Being Checks

Ways to Care For a Senior When They Live Far Away


Ways to Care For a Senior When They Live Far Away If you’re working and raising a family while worrying about the well-being of your aging parent or parents, you’re not alone. A senior citizen or older adult is defined as someone 65+ years or older, and there are 56 million in the [...]

Ways to Care For a Senior When They Live Far Away2023-03-16T20:03:46-05:00

COVID-19’s Effect On Non-Profits


COVID-19’s Effect On Nonprofits Most non-profits help others because of funding from individual & corporate donors, as well as from grants and foundations. Traditionally, fundraising is an ongoing initiative that ensures non-profits can continue to help others. But for many non-profits, COVID-19 has shifted fundraising from being important to being vital to their very survival. With most [...]

COVID-19’s Effect On Non-Profits2021-07-20T10:09:26-05:00

COVID-19 and What It Means To Older Adults


COVID-19 and What It Means To Older Adults Last week the COVID-19 virus became a pandemic, then on Friday, The President announced we are in the midst of a National Emergency. Before COVID-19 was listed as a pandemic or put us into a National Emergency, we did not think too much about the virus. [...]

COVID-19 and What It Means To Older Adults2021-07-20T10:18:00-05:00

What Is Caregiver Burnout?


What Is Caregiver Burnout? When doing some research about senior topics and trends we came across something we very rarely talk about. We spend so much time talking about seniors that we never touched on the topic of caregivers. We are hearing a lot of buzz about caregivers and the care that they are [...]

What Is Caregiver Burnout?2019-06-17T21:07:35-05:00

Why DSCC needs volunteers!


Why DSCC Needs Volunteers DuPage Senior Citizens Council has a strong message and rich culture within DuPage County. We provide 4,700 seniors with services that are essential to their everyday lives. You may ask, how do they serve that many people? The answer is simple volunteers! Our volunteers make all aspects of our organization [...]

Why DSCC needs volunteers!2019-03-04T13:44:11-06:00

Four Ways a Well-Being Check Makes a Difference


Four Ways a Well-Being Check Makes a Difference When we tell people we are the Meals On Wheels Provider for DuPage County a lot of the time we get a response or comment that relates just to the food. Not very often do we get recognition for providing a service that allows a senior [...]

Four Ways a Well-Being Check Makes a Difference2018-06-29T16:19:21-05:00
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