
Travel Tips for Seniors

It’s that time of year again, the temperature is dropping and the leaves are falling. As we approach the middle to end of October the daunting thought of holiday travel is about to rear its ugly head. Traveling for an older adult can be more difficult than the average traveler during the most chaotic time of the year. Older adult travelers face challenges that younger travelers may not consider. Bags tend to be heavier than ever and remembering medications even harder.

Here are some important travel tips that can help make traveling a little less stressful!

Write down all the items that are essential about one week before your trip. As you are going through your daily routine, write down the medications you need every day and the items you cannot live without. Make a checklist and before you leave, make sure you have everything that was on the list. Packing extras of items is never a bad idea (i.e. glasses, medical supplies) in case your stay is extended, you run out or they break.

The lighter the bag, the easier and quicker it is to move about the airport, train station or bus terminal. Always pack in a roller bag to make your luggage move easier and feel less heavy.

If you are traveling by plane and going to the airport pack all of your medication in a carry-on bag.

If there is a delay or cancelled fight, you are guaranteed to have enough medication. Make sure to write down a list of medications you take and put it in your wallet or an easy to find place. This way, if there are any emergencies, there is a list of all of the medication you are currently taking!

Once you are seated and are in transit, the real fun begins. Get comfortable by wearing loose and comfortable clothes. Traveling in comfort can make or break your travel experience. Avoid wool sweaters and tight pants. Opt for loose fitted pants and a light jacket. Bring a sweater or sweatshirt just in case it is a bit chilly.

Most likely you will be sitting for an extended period of time while in transit. Make sure to drink plenty of water especially, if you are flying. Try to get up and stretch once every hour to keep from getting stiff or sore. Bring plenty of entertainment such as puzzles, books and games to pass the time and to keep your mind active.

You made it! The toughest part of the holidays is over, hopefully. Just remember to keep these tips in mind when you are getting ready to make your trip back home.

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